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加拿大 - 食品辐照法规解释EN
作者:gc.ca 【阅读原文】

B.26.001. In this Division,

“ionizing radiation”

“ionizing radiation” means

  • (a) gamma-radiation from a Cobalt-60 or Cesium-137 source,

  • (b) X-rays generated from a machine source operated at or below an energy level of 5 MeV, and

  • (c) electrons generated from a machine source operated at or below an energy level of 10 MeV; (rayonnement ionisant)


“irradiation” means treatment with ionizing radiation. (irradiation)

  • SOR/89-175, s. 3.


B.26.002. This Division does not apply to foods exposed to ionizing radiation from a measuring instrument used to determine weight, estimate bulk solids, measure the total solids in liquids or perform other inspection procedures.

  • SOR/89-175, s. 3.


  • B.26.003. (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall sell a food that has been irradiated.

  • (2) A food set out in Column I of an item of the table to this Division that has been irradiated may be sold if

    • (a) the food was irradiated from a source set out in Column II of that item for the purpose set out in Column III of that item; and

    • (b) the dose of ionizing radiation absorbed by the food is within the permitted absorbed dose set out in Column IV of that item.

  • SOR/89-175, s. 3.


  • B.26.004. (1) A manufacturer who sells a food that has been irradiated shall keep on his premises, for at least two years after the date of the irradiation, a record containing the following information:

    • (a) the food irradiated and the quantity and lot numbers of the food;

    • (b) the purpose of the irradiation;

    • (c) the date of the irradiation;

    • (d) the dose of ionizing radiation absorbed by the food;

    • (e) the source of the ionizing radiation; and

    • (f) a statement indicating whether the food was irradiated prior to the irradiation by the manufacturer and, if so, the information referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e) in respect of that prior irradiation.

  • (2) Every person who imports a food that is intended for sale in Canada that has been irradiated shall keep on his premises a record of the information referred to in subsection (1) for at least two years after the date of importation.

  • SOR/89-175, s. 3.

Changes to the Table

B.26.005. A request that a food be added or a change made to the table to this Division shall be accompanied by a submission to the Director containing the following information:

  • (a) the purpose and details of the proposed irradiation, including the source of ionizing radiation and the proposed frequency of and minimum and maximum dose of ionizing radiation;

  • (b) data indicating that the minimum dose of ionizing radiation proposed to be used accomplishes the intended purpose of the irradiation and the maximum dose of ionizing radiation proposed does not exceed the amount required to accomplish the purpose of the irradiation;

  • (c) information on the nature of the dosimeter used, the frequency of the dosimetry on the food and data pertaining to the dosimetry and phantoms used to assure that the dosimetry readings reflect the dose absorbed by the food during irradiation;

  • (d) data indicating the effects, if any, on the nutritional quality of the food, raw and ready-to-serve, under the proposed conditions of irradiation and any other processes that are combined with the irradiation;

  • (e) data establishing that the irradiated food has not been significantly altered in chemical, physical or microbiological characteristics to render the food unfit for human consumption;

  • (f) where the Director so requests, data establishing that the proposed irradiation is safe under the conditions proposed for the irradiation;

  • (g) the recommended conditions of storage and shipment of the irradiated food including the time, temperature and packaging and a comparison of the recommended conditions for the same food that has not been irradiated;

  • (h) details of any other processes to be applied to the food prior to or after the proposed irradiation; and

  • (i) such other data as the Director may require to establish that consumers and purchasers of the irradiated food will not be deceived or misled as to the character, value, composition, merit or safety of the irradiated food.


Item Column I Column II Column III Column IV
Food Permitted Sources of Ionizing Radiation Purpose of Treatment Permitted Absorbed Dose
1. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cobalt-60 To inhibit sprouting during storage  0.15 kGy max.
2. Onions (Allium cepa) Cobalt-60 To inhibit sprouting during storage  0.15 kGy max.
3. Wheat, Flour, Whole Wheat Flour (Triticum sp.) Cobalt-60 To control insect infestation in stored food  0.75 kGy max.
4. Whole or ground spices and dehydrated seasoning preparations Cobalt-60, Cesium-137, or electrons from machine sources (3 MeV max.) To reduce microbial load 10.00 kGy max. total overall average dose
  • SOR/89-175, s. 3;
  • SOR/98-458, s. 7(F).



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