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  培训会展信息/ 详细内容
第13届蒂豪尼辐射化学研讨会 【阅读原文】
2015/7/10 次数 点击5691
培训/会展时间: 2015/8/29-2015/9/3 主办方: EK,IAEA,iiA,
培训/会展地点: Balatonalmádi, HUNGARY 联系方式: E-mail address: 13.tihany@gmail.com
The series of “Tihany” Symposia on Radiation Chemistry aims to promote worldwide scientific and technical collaboration among scientists involved in various aspects of radiation research and applicati

The Elsevier Editorial System (EES) is now ready for accepting submissions for the special issue “13th ‘TIHANY” Symposium on Radiation Chemistry. (See below!)

The draft program of symposium can be downloaded! (Program-draft.pdf)


The series of “Tihany” Symposia on Radiation Chemistry aims to promote worldwide scientific and technical collaboration among scientists involved in various aspects of radiation research and applications in a stimulating and thought provoking environment. The first Symposium was held in Tihany in 1962 and since then has been held approximately every four years. Most recent meetings were in Eger (2006) and Zalakaros (2011). Now it is our pleasure to announce the 13th Tihany Symposium. The scientific program of the Symposium covers all the major disciplines of both basic and applied radiation chemistry, with invited speakers, oral and poster contributions from participants. Generous time frame will be allocated to open discussions.

Scientific scope

- Fundamental processes in radiation chemistry
- Electron beam-, ion beam- and gamma irradiation applications
- Radiation chemistry of biological systems
- Radiation chemistry of nanoscale systems
- Macromolecular systems (polymerization kinetics, crosslinking, grafting, etc.)
- Biomedical materials (biocompatible surfaces, hydrogels, drug delivery, etc.)
- Environmental protection (e. g. wastewater-, sludge-, flue gas treatment, recycling, etc.)
- Food irradiation, identification of irradiated food, packaging materials
- Radiation resistant materials (sterilization, deep space, nuclear reactors, etc.)
- Dosimetry and process control


Conference chairs

Honorary chairman: Róbert SCHILLER

Chairpersons: László WOJNÁROVITS and Erzsébet TAKÁCS

Scientific committee

Chairman: Ákos HORVÁTH (Hungary)

Members: Guillermina BURILLO (Mexico), Xavier COQUERET  (France), Nicholas GREEN (UK), Olgun GÜVEN (Turkey), Zoltán HOMONNAY (Hungary), Mehran MOSTFAVI (France), Joseph RABANI (Israel), Janusz ROSIAK (Poland), Piotr ULANSKI (Poland)

International organizing committee

Members: Mohamad AL-SHEIKHLY (USA), Krzysztof BOBROWSKI (Poland), Andrzej CHMIELEWSKI (Poland), Tibor CZVIKOVSZKY (Hungary), Mats JOHNSSON (Sweden), Arne MILLER (Denmark),  Dusan RAZEM (Croatia), Sunil SABHARWAL (IAEA), Ágnes SÁFRÁNY (IAEA), Gustavo VARCA (International Irradiation Association), Israel ZILBERMAN (Israel)

Local organizing committee

Members: Tamás CSAY, Tamás FEKETE, Katalin GONTER, Renáta HOMLOK, Erzsébet ILLÉS, András KELEMEN, Éva KOCZOGNÉ HORVÁTH, András KOVÁCS, Krisztina KOVÁCS, Viktória MILE, Gyuri SÁGI, László SZABÓ, László TAKÁCS

Invited lecturers

  • Al Sheikhly, Mohammad, College Park, USA, On the mechanisms of the nitroxides as antioxidants and their applications to UHMWPE for use in artificial cartilage

  • Berlin, Yuri,Evanston, USA, Recent development in charge transport in DNA-based devices

  • Bucio, Emilio, Mexico City, Mexico, Radiation-grafting of smart biomaterials for drug delivery

    Chmielewski, Andrzej, Warsaw, Poland, Radiation chemistry for modern nuclear energy development

    Cocqueret, Xavier, Reims, France, Radiolytic synthesis of gold nanoparticles by reduction of Au(III) in the presence of chitosan

    Güven, Olgun, Ankara, Turkey, Controlling of free radical homo-, block-, and graft polymerization by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer

    Han, Bumsoo, Daejon, Republic of Korea, How to apply radiation technology to pollution control - pros and cons

    LaVerne, Jay, Notre Dame, USA, Relative radiation sensitivity of organic compounds

    Mostafavi, Mehran, Orsay, France

    Pillai, Suresh, College Station, USA, Food irradiation version 3.0 – moving beyond pathogen inactivation and consumer studies

    Poster, Diana, Maryland, USA, Radiation chemistry activities at NIST to support the synthesis of advanced materials

    Przybytniak, Grazyna, Warsaw, Poland, Thermally and radiation-induced aging of electrical cables operating in NPP

    Sáfrány, Ágnes, IAEA, Austria, IAEA activities and initiatives in radiation processing of polymer materials

    Ulanski, Piotr, Lodz, Poland, Kinetics of radical reactions in aqueous solutions of poly(n-vinylpyrrolidone)

    Varca, Gustavo, iia, Brazil, Towards academic engagement


Registration: March 31, 2015

Abstract submission: (March 31, 2015) Prolonged: April 15, 2015!

Notification about the acceptance of abstracts: April 20, 2015

Submission of the application for the iia grant: April 30, 2015

Transfer of registration fee: June 10, 2015

Manuscript submission deadline: October 1, 2015


Please download the registration form, fill it and send back as attachment via e-mail to the e-mail address of the symposium before March 31, 2015!

Registration fee


The registration fee contains the hotel price (including 5 nights accommodation with full board) too!  Hotel reservations are made by the organizers!

Registration fee is:

980 €  (in single room) / 900 (sharing a double room) / 680 €  (accompanying person)


By bank transfer to Magyar Allamkincstar (H-1139 Budapest, Vaci ut 71, Hungary).

Account holder: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Energiatudomanyi Kutatokozpont;

IBAN: HU04 1003 2000 0173 1158 0000 0000;



Substitutions may be made at any time but please advise us about the name change. If you find it necessary to cancel the registration completely, please notify us immediately. Provided written notice is received by 1 August 2015, a full refund (minus 10% administration charge) will be given.


The Elsevier Editorial System (EES) is now ready for accepting submissions for the special issue “13th ‘TIHANY” Symposium on Radiation Chemistry. The article type is now open and you can submit your paper on EES at: http://ees.elsevier.com/rpc/

To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important that authors select “SI: 13th Tihany” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process. Please keep the formatting requirements as described in the Instructions for Authors. We suggest you to keep the length of the manuscript below 15 pages and not to put in the manuscript more than 8 figures plus tables.

Manuscript submission deadline: October 1, 2015

Please do not upload more than one manuscript per participant!


Balatonalmádi, the popular health resort lies on the eastern part of the north shore of Lake Balaton.  Balaton, in the Transdanubian region of Hungary, is the largest lake in Central Europe, and one of its foremost tourist destinations. The single, amphitheatre-like position of Balatonalmádi provides special, Mediterranean climate for the city.

The Ramada Hotel & Resort Lake Balaton**** (http://ramadabalaton.hu/en) is situated in Balatonalmádi, in the middle of an amazing ancient park only 200 meters from the shore, what you can easily reach by crossing a nice bridge from the garden of the Hotel. The hotel is close to Balatonalmádi railway station.

The high quality conference center of the Hotel is an ideal venue for the 13th “Tihany”. Conference rooms are equipped with modern technical facilities; they are illuminated by natural light.

Swimming pool, jacuzzi and different types of saunas (Finnish, Infra, and Turkish bath) are available for the participants.


Shuttle buses will be available between the Budapest, Liszt Ferenc airport and Balatonalmádi. Please indicate your arrival time and flight number. We will harmonize the departure times of the buses with the arrival times. Two or three shuttle buses will be available.


Please check urgently if you need visa and indicate if you need official invitation letter for obtaining visa.


Erzsébet TAKÁCS, Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1525 Budapest 114., P.O. Box 49., Hungary

E-mail address: 13.tihany@gmail.com

You can find us on the Facebook!


Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (http://energia.mta.hu/)

International Atomic Energy Agency (https://www.iaea.org/front)

International Irradiation Association (http://iiaglobal.com/)

    iia Award winners

    1 - Ms. Agnieszka Adamus -  Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz - Poland.


     iia Award: Contribution to the advancement of the science of ionizing irradiation

    2 - Mr. Edgar Zavala Chemistry Faculty, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico city - Mexico.


     iia Award: Potential applications of the research and its relevance to the irradiation community.

    3- Ms. Elodie Fromentin- CEA, DEN, DPC, SECR, LRMO, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette - France


   iia Award: Contribution to the advancement of the science of ionizing irradiation.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (http://mta.hu/english/)
