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作者:羊阳译 【阅读原文】



We regulate human and animal food from genetically engineered (GE) plants like we regulate all food. The existing FDA safety requirements impose a clear legal duty on everyone in the farm to table continuum to market safe foods to consumers, regardless of the process by which such foods are created. It is unlawful to produce, process, store, ship or sell to consumers unsafe foods.



FDA’s role is to ensure that everyone in the farm to table continuum is meeting this obligation. We encourage producers of new foods and food ingredients to consult with FDA when there is a question about an ingredient’s regulatory status. This general practice extends to foods produced using genetic engineering techniques.


植物生物技术咨询程序Plant Biotechnology Consultation Program

FDA于20世纪90年代建立了植物生物技术咨询程序,以与基因工程植物开发人员协同工作并帮助他们确保由他们的基因工程植物新品种加工的食品是安全和合法的。在这个程序中,并在它进入市场之前,我们评估来自新基因工程作物的食品的安全性。FDA created the Plant Biotechnology Consultation Program in the 1990’s to cooperatively work with GE plant developers to help them ensure foods made from their new GE plant varieties are safe and lawful. In this program, we evaluate the safety of food from the new GE crop before it enters the market.



Although the consultation program is voluntary, GE plant developers routinely participate in it before bringing a new GE plant to market. FDA completed its first plant biotechnology consultation in 1994. Thus far, we have evaluated more than 150 GE plant varieties through this program. For a list of completed consultations, see our Biotechnology Consultations database.


程序是如何工作的How the Program Works


During the initial consultation phase, GE plant developers meet with FDA and explain their GE product to FDA. FDA can then provide feedback about the kinds of data and information that would be important to consider in a safety assessment.


The final consultation phase begins once a GE plant developer completes its safety assessment and submits a summary of the assessment to FDA.



FDA evaluates the data and information in the summary to identify any unresolved food safety and nutritional issues or other legal considerations. Some examples of questions we ask in this evaluation include:

  • 来自基因工程植物的食品包含新的毒素或过敏原吗?Does food from the GE plant contain a new toxin or allergen?
  • 来自基因工程植物的食品和传统繁殖的对应食品一样有营养吗?Is food from the GE plant as nutritious as that from its traditionally bred counterpart?



If FDA identifies an issue that needs to be addressed, we work with the developers to get the information needed to resolve it.



When all safety and other regulatory issues are resolved, and the data and information logically support the conclusion that food from the new plant variety will be as safe as food from conventionally bred varieties, we conclude the consultation with a letter to the GE plant developer. The letter reminds the developer that they remain legally obligated to ensure the safety of the food products they bring to market.



Finally, FDA posts the relevant information and documentation to the Biotechnology Consultations on Food from GE Plant Varieties section of its website for public viewing. The posting includes the following items:

  • 提交日期 Submission date
  • 开发人员的名字和联系信息Developer name and contact information
  • 基因工程植物品种的基本信息Basic information about the GE plant variety
  • FDA的回复函The FDA response letter
  • 一份FDA评估的总结数据和信息的备忘录A memo summarizing the data and information FDA evaluated



This is only a brief summary of the consultation process. For detailed guidance, GE plant developers should read our Guidance on Consultation Procedures – Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties.


程序的益处Benefits of the Program

  • FDA通过确保来自基因工程植物的食品的安全和合法性,促进安全的食品供应。Helps FDA promote a safe food supply by ensuring that foods from GE plants are safe and lawful. ·
  • FDA收集来自食品生产商的有关新食品的有价值的数据和信息。Allows FDA to collect valuable data and information about new foods from food producers. 





  上一篇: 一些辐照参数对不同剂量计的响应影响研究
  下一篇: 辐照对食品营养质量的影响
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